CellClients.com is Officially Launched!

It took three months of hard work to establish this website. Looking back, we are all glad with the results of our work and we're happy to officially announce the launch of the CellClients.com today.
No More Cellular Cancellation Fees! By using Cellclients website, you can get rid of your cell phone contract without paying cancellation fees! You can also take over a cell phone contract without paying for a brand new handset, SIM card, and activation fee. Cellular companies would love us for replacing their unhappy customers with happy customers.
Here comes the mission of our company and we will stay committed to it:
CellClients is dedicated to helping its users get out of or take over cellular contracts. We introduce the two ends of the cell phone contract ownership transfer to each other via the company website. CellClients also sells brand new cell phone headsets and accessories through its website.
There will be many new features added to our site in the future and we're very excited to tell you guys about it. One of these features is the "TXT me when there is a party interested in my plan". It sends a TXT message to the plan seller each time a visitor sends him/her an email via CellClients.com website. So yeah, although we run a website, you don't even need daily access to internet to use our service. We'll notify you through your cell phone each time there is a party interested in your cell phone contract.
In the end, special thanks goes to Bryan Maloodi (Co-Founder and Director of Technology), Faraz Hagh Panah (Head of the Web Development team), Jesse Friedman (Editor), Peggy Chooi (Lawyer), and many other individuals who helped us launch the site. And thanks to you for reading our first message on the CellClients.com blog!
Bijan Shahrokhi, Co-Founder


Margie said...

KUDOS to you! I am thrilled to find this site - just heard about it on CBC's Sat afternoon program (Sep 22, 2007). I have been going through customer "non-service" hell for over a year. If all the mobile companies got their acts together and made it easy to transfer (even offering what YOU are doing by letting others assume partly fulfilled contracts) what a happy mobile world it would be!! Everyone would win.

B said...

Hi Margie,
Thanks for the message. Would you happen to remember which CBC Saturday afternoon program mentioned us?

Unknown said...

it was on the CBC "Spark" program. You can download it as the editors choice podcast for Sept 21st.

Also, your site won't allow message to be sent to listings or to report a bug (so I'm not sure where else to report the bug but here)

B said...

Hi Jase,
Thanks for the info. I found it. Will post it on the blog soon:)
We will review your bug report.
Happy Thanksgiving,